Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sunrise at Sandy Point, MD.

I usually photograph birds, and I get out early most days, so I started looking for good sunrise locations.
Sandy Point State Park is quite close, so I've taken a number of decent shots lately.
There's something special about sunrises.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

It's Morning in San Juan Island

Let's go for a walk. Enjoy the rising sun and the sound of wakening birds.

by Shutterhappy

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunrise at Possum Point

Possum Point is at the West side of Whitehall Bay near Annapolis, MD, and is a well populated Osprey breeding site. It's a hidden gem, not often visited, with excellent birding and great views of the bay and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Erosion, Strength, and Enduring Beauty

Stonehaven and Dunnattar Castle are a bit worn from the onslaught of weather, water, and time. Let's go for a walk and see what remains.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Path is Hard to See, but It's Still Worth the Walk.

Just beyond the brambles, the beach is out of sight. The meantime may be difficult, but it is beautiful as well.

Photo Credit: Adrienne D'Agostino.
Cape Meares State Park, Oregon.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Undergrowth Sings

Every path in this rain-forest coincides with water. The song of its passage rises from the ferns and the stones, and often beneath out feet.

Photo Credit: Adrienne D'Agostino.
Cape Meares State Park, Oregon.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Meditating Stones

Still, empty of thought, they remain ever-attendant to the rhythm of the world. The pulse of roar and whisper smooths them.

Photo Credit: Adrienne D'Agostino.
Cape Meares State Park, Oregon.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Do You Think Life Sucks?

Wikipedia:"Predatory Reduviidae use the long rostrum to inject a lethal saliva that liquefies the insides of the prey, which are then sucked out. "

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Like Siblings

They grow together from common centers, each in a slightly different direction.

Photo Credit: Adrienne D'Agostino.
Cape Meares State Park, Oregon.

Bubbling Stillness

The rapids demand our attention, swiftly pulling us along to the next bend. Before heading on to investigate, pause a moment and enjoy the contrasting beauty of the surrounding stillness.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Ready for Coffee!

This Belted Kingfisher's feathers always look a tad rumpled, like he just got out of bed. He is one of the many delightful birds Shutterhappy found at the Colleyville Nature Center in north Texas.

Belted Kingfisher by Shutterhappy

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fairy Land

There are so many lovely things waiting for you to notice them. All you have to do is slow down and look. These beautiful short-lived mushrooms grow only in the early morning hours. What wonder is growing at your feet?

Photo credit: Tony D'Agostino

Morose Delectation

"Morose Delectation" is a synonym for schadenfreude, but I'm not taking joy in another's sorrow. Really...I'm not...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gathering the Ingredients for Honey

Before making honey, busy bees go shopping.

photogragh by Rebecca Latson Photography

Santa Clara Pueblo (NM) pottery gem!

This miniature plate is by Santa Clara New Mexico Pueblo potter Jennifer Moquino.  It is approximately 4 inches in diameter.  The plate is coil-formed, stone-polished, and fired to a shiny black surface, and the designs are etched and painted on the surface by hand.

Look Behind You

My favorite birding spot seemed to be failing me. Nothing interesting in sight where the visibility and the light were best. Something said, "look behind you."

Two Little Birds

Two little birds and their quaint bungalow in Gresham, Oregon.

Monday, January 12, 2015

The Fennec Fox with Fennel

A delightful little Fennec Fox enjoying a small rest. Let's join him by slowing down, breathing, and enjoying a small moment of peace.

Fennec Fox (Wikimedia Commons)

The gracefully feathered fennel is just as luxuriously soft as the fox, but do not confuse their names.

Fennel (Wikimedia Commons)

The Fennel Fox was created after a bit of word play with a typo. The subject matter will be peaceful images, largely plants and animals, but who knows what else will happen. Stay a while and enjoy a peace of nature.